Saudi Arabia executes head of household, 16 months after confirming to the United Nations a final sentence of eight years in prison
On April 23, 2019, as part of a mass execution of 37 citizens, the Saudi
Saudi Arabia increases the length of the sentence against human rights advocate Sheikh Al-Habib
On August 25, 2019, the Specialized Criminal Court in Riyadh issued a new
Four years after the UN confirmed heinous violations in his case: Saudi Arabia is close to beheading Jordanian prisoner, Hussein Abu al-Khair
On September 26, 2019, the family of a Jordanian prisoner held by the Kingdom
Saudi Arabia: Seeking death penalty for Dr. Ali Alomari in a farcical trial
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is trying Dr. Ali Hamza Alomari (b. 1973) in the
The UN sends 6 complaints in 4 months to the Saudi government regarding its growing violations of human rights
From the late March to early July of 2019, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia received
Bloody rise in Saudi Arabia: 122 executions in the first half of 2019
The Government of Saudi Arabia executed 122 people in the first half of 2019,
After April massacre, at least 20 prisoners on death row
Since Saudi Arabia killed 37 citizens on 23 April 2019, in a mass execution slaughter,
Saudi Arabia executes Yemeni youth despite testimonies of his innocence
On January 27, 2019, the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia executed
After Bin Salman’s deceptive promises of female empowerment, Saudi women face their toughest year yet
In 2018, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia witnessed an unprecedented escalation
Saudi Arabia must investigate transparent the allegations of recurrent sexual abuse of children at Social Observation Home
The European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights (ESOHR) has received a complaint