الأمم المتحدة تحث السعودية على إطلاق سراح النشطاء وتؤكد وجوب إحترام القوانين وشفافية التحقيقات
أبدت المفوضية السامية لحقوق الإنسان في الأمم المتحدة قلقها من إستمرار الإعتقالات التعسفية لمدافعين ومدافعات
The two female human rights defenders Nouf&Miaa joined the crown prince’s (reform) victims
On June 6th 2018, the Saudi government arrested the female human rights
Saudi Arabia sentences human rights defender Sheikh Al-Habib to seven years imprisonment for demanding human rights and criticizing official hate speech
The various forms of political repressions led by Saudi Arabia government
Saudi Arabia: Two months imprisonment and 60 lashes for citizen Bu Saleh for Practicing congregational prayers from his home
وكانت المحكمة قد أصدرت حكما بسجن بوصالح لمدة شهرين وبالجلد ستين جلدة في يوليو 2015،
تسعة خبراء من الأمم المتحدة يدعون إلى الإفراج العاجل عن الناشطين والناشطات: إعتقالات النساء أفضل مؤشر على نهج السعودية تجاه حقوق المرأة
وصف خبراء أمميون ممارسات المملكة العربية السعودية فيما يتعلق بحقوق الإنسان بالمتناقضة بشكل صارخ، داعين
Arrest, harsh treatment and concerns of torturing elders in Saudi Arabia: violations coinciding with the world day of awareness on elder abuse
Elders in Saudi Arabia suffer from different kinds of abuse like poverty and lack
Crackdown on Saudi women human rights defenders sets off alarms, Over 30 human rights groups call for their immediate release
The undersigned human rights groups call on the Saudi authorities to immediately
The High Commissioner of Human Rights expresses its concern: Saudi Arabia should release female and male detainees for their human rights activities and ensure their safety
The high Commissioner of Human Rights was alarmed by the Saudi detention of
Saudi Arabia Arbitrarily Detains Nawaf Al Rashid and Deprives him of his Legal Rights
On May 12th 2018, the Kuwaiti government handed over poet Nawaf Talal Al Rashid
Amidst a Series of Arbitrary Arrests: Saudi Arrests Prominent Womens Rights Activists and Human Rights Lawyer, Amongst Others
On 17 May 2018, the Government of Saudi Arabia launched a series