The Human Rights Council, in its 52nd session, confirms: The death penalty for crimes that are not serious symbolizes the lethal control of states
Under the title "Human Rights Violations Related to the use of the Death Penalty and Limiting the Death Penalty
In a letter to Eddie Howe: Human rights organisations call for talking about Saudi violations
At the same time as the English Premier League Cup was being held, three human rights organisations
Al-Faraj Faces Execution on Charges, Including Insulting the Royal Family
On charges including insulting the royal family by chanting offensive slogans during demonstrations
In an urgent message: Organisations urge the Prime Minister of Morocco to refrain from handing over Hassan Al-Rabea to Saudi Arabia
On February 6, 2023, human rights organisations sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Morocco,
The judiciary in Saudi Arabia orders the killing of Al-Rabea and al-Safwani without the Public Prosecution request
In a dangerous precedent, the Specialized Criminal Court in Saudi Arabia issued a death sentence for each of
Cybercrime Law is a tool that unites with Terrorism Law in terms of repression.
Saudi Arabia uses laws to criminalize the exercise of legitimate rights. In addition to its misuse of the Law
After two years of getting rid of it: Saudi Arabia resumes killings on drug charges
On November 10, 2022, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia returned to implementing the sentences of Taazir
A United Nations Expert Expresses Her Grave Concern for the Health and Life of Defender Mohammed al-Qahtani
The Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Mary Lawler, expressed her grave concern
Ali al-Subaiti is the youngest person to be threatened with the death penalty in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia sentenced the minor Ali Hassan Al-Subaiti to Taazir death punishment, to be added to a list of 7
Fears grow for Saudi detainees awaiting trial or sentencing, following wave of 30-year-plus prison terms
In light of the unprecedented jail sentences recently issued against peaceful activists and others in Saudi Arabia