UN Committee on The Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Al-Hawali's Arrest Is Arbitrary and Contains Serious Violations

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities deemed Saudi Arabia's prolonged solitary confinement of cleric

While activists are detained within the country and their activities are banned: Saudi Arabia boasts of extensive women's rights reforms

Saudi Arabia reiterated its claims regarding reforms and changes in handling women's rights issues

Denmark Expresses Concern Over the Erosion of Civil Space and Freedom Of Expression In Saudi Arabia

The Danish representative expressed his country's concern over the erosion of civil space and freedom of expression in Saudi Arabia.

UN Special Rapporteurs Affirm: Saudi Arabia's Travel Ban on Al-Otaibi And Al-Hathloul Is Part Of A Broader Campaign Targeting Activists

UN special rapporteurs have expressed concern over the wide-ranging campaign led by Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: NGOs renew call for lifting of the illegal travel ban on women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul

The undersigned organisations emphasized that the on going illegal travel ban imposed on woman human rights

Amid The Continued Forced Disappearance of Al-Nakhifi and Al-Qahtani: Restrictions and Violations Against Abu Al-Khair

While Saudi Arabia continues to conceal defenders of human rights and intensify violations against them,

Organizations express their concern for the safety of activist Manahel Al-Otaibi

The European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights and 9 civil society organisations, expressed extreme

Al-Qatif as a Reflection of Oppression: 40% of Saudi Arabia's political executions are allocated to one city

Since 2016, Saudi Arabia has begun implementing death sentences issued by the Specialized Criminal Court

Saudi Arabia Expands Its Repression: The Prosecution Demands Imprisonment And Punishment For The Supporters Of Al-Safa Club

Saudi Arabia has reaffirmed its determination to restrict basic freedoms and practice various forms of repression,

17 organizations confirm: The deportation of Al-Khalidi from Bulgaria is a violation of the law and a threat to his safety and freedom

17 non-governmental organizations have expressed deep concern regarding the case of activist Abdulrahman