Saudi Arabia doubled rate of it’s use of the death penalty in 2015

شهد عام 2015 ارتفاعا حادا في عقوبات الإعدام المنفذة في السعودية، إذ بلغت منذ بداية

ADHRB, ESOHR Call on King Salman To Stay Imminent Execution of Human Rights Activist

More than a year since a Saudi Arabian court sentenced leading opposition activist Sheikh Nimr

After 20 months of an unfair trial, the death penalty awaits Ali al-Nimr at any moment.

We, the undersigned Saudi organisations, wish to express our deep concern regarding

After unfair trials there is growing concerns for the lives of seven people sentenced to death 15 months ago

The Saudi European Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) express their deep

Detainedin Saudi Arabiaon charges of drug trafficking: (Abu al-Khair) after an unfair trial faces the danger of death

In the 18th of May 2014, the Saudi Frontier Corps, arrested Hussein Abu Al-Khair who

Saudi Arabia: Arbitrary arrests and illegal provisions against volunteers who protected areas exposed toterrorist threats

The Saudi European Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) would like to express