Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: Saudi Arabia should immediately release social activist Hussein al-Sadiq and hold violators accountable
The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention confirmed that Saudi Arabia arbitrarily is detaining Hussein
In its Response to the UN Special Rapporteurs: Saudi Arabia Denies Information about Violations Against Minors on Death Row
Saudi Arabia repeated its allegations and justifications in its response to a letter from the United Nations
In letters to the Saudi government, and the Public Investment Fund: United Nations rapporteurs ask Saudi Arabia about the grave violations in the NEOM project.
United Nations special rapporteurs sent three letters to each of the Saudi government, the Chairman
Despite the laws that still facilitate human trafficking: Saudi Arabia talks about combating it
Saudi Arabia claimed that it pays great attention to human rights and that the anti-human trafficking
Systematic use and complete disregard for torture in Saudi Arabia are proven by court documents
Every June 26, the world celebrates the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture,
UN Rapporteur: Deaths in prisons are an invisible tragedy that can be reduced
The Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings, Morris Tidball-Binz,
Before the Human Rights Council: The Saudi delegation turns grave violations into achievements and cooperation
Saudi Arabia continues to use the platform of the Human Rights Council to promote what it describes
Turk at the opening of the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council: the misuse of United Nations mechanisms weakens them
The United Nations Human Rights Council opened its 53rd session, on June 19, 2023, in Geneva.
Secrecy: a weapon that increases Saudi Arabia's arbitrariness in the death penalty
The violations that accompany the death penalty in Saudi Arabia combine to make it an arbitrary
In contempt for international opinions and laws: Saudi Arabia kills Jaafar Sultan and Sadeq Thamer.
On May 29, 2023, Saudi Arabia executed the two Bahrainis, Jaafar Muhammad Sultan, and Sadiq Majeed Thamer,