On the World Day Against the Death Penalty: Saudi Arabia Uses Security as a Pretext to Expand Its Use of Killing
Alongside 55 countries that still retain the death penalty, and ranking third globally among the countries with the highest
The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: Saudi Arabia Must Release Saud Al-Faraj
The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has deemed the deprivation of Saud Al-Faraj's freedom as a violation of
The Bloody Reign of Salman: Saudi Arabia Breaks Execution Records
This year, Saudi Arabia recorded the highest number of executions in its history, surpassing the previous record of 196
UN Secretary-General's Annual Report: Saudi Arabia is Responsible for the Sharp Increase in Executions
The UN Secretary-General's report on the death penalty holds Saudi Arabia
NGOs voice fears for dozens of Egyptian prisoners, and hundreds of others, facing execution for drugs-related offenses in Saudi Arabia
We, the undersigned organisations, are gravely fearful for the lives of hundreds of prisoners threatened with imminent execution
Saudi Arabia Eradicates Associations and Persecutes Human Rights Defenders.
In recent years, Saudi Arabia has severely curtailed the work of human rights defenders
The High Commissioner During The Opening Of HRC 57: Saudi Executions Are An Obstacle To The Global Positive Trajectory Towards this Punishment
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk
Joint Statement: Saudi Arabia must free detainees jailed for their online expression ahead of Internet Governance Forum
Saudi Arabia must free all individuals arbitrarily detained solely for their online expression ahead of hosting the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
At least 50 Facing Execution in Tabuk Prison Alone: Saudi Arabia Tortures Drug Convicts
Concerns and fears over the lives of detainees sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia on drug charges
Saudi Arabia Executes Abdul Majid Al-Nimr: The Judiciary Fabricates Charges and Issues Arbitrary Sentences, While the Interior Ministry Falsifies Information
On August 17, 2024, the Saudi Press Agency published a statement issued by the Ministry of Interior announcing the execution