Saudi Arabia Enforced Disappeared the activist Al-Mubaraki for expressing his opinion

On 22 July 2021, Saudi Arabia's Mabahith (Detective Service) arrested the online activist

Saudi Arabia Uses Travel Ban: Additional Revenge and Siege on Defenders and Activists

Saudi Arabia violates article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that “Everyone has the

Saudi Arabia Ignored UN Request in Executing al-Darwish

A group of UN Experts raised concerns regarding the treatment of Mustafa al-Darwish, a young Saudi man

Torture in Saudi Arabia: Royal Tool to Intimidate the Nation

يحيي العالم اليوم الدولي لمساندة ضحايا التعذيب في 26 يونيو من كل عام، وهو اليوم الذي يصادف

Disturbing indicators of a new wave of executions in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi European Organization for Human Rights has monitored several indicators that raise serious

Saudi Arabia executes Mustafa al-Darwish for teenage protests

The Saudi government killed Mustafa Hashim Al Darwish on 15 June 2021, who faced charges including to