في استكمال لحلقات الغسيل، التويجري تتغنى بترأس السعودية للجنة المرأة واستضافة أحداث عالمية

كررت رئيسة هيئة حقوق الإنسان الرسمية في المملكة العربية السعودية، هلا التويجري، الخطاب الرسمي الترويجي

Human Rights in Saudi Arabia: Two-Faced Kingdom

22، فبراير 2025 نسخة ال PDF مقدمة على وقع الأرقام القياسية للإعدامات، الأحكام القضائية المطولة،

Saudi Arabia Hosting the World Cup: A Black Mark on FIFA's Record

On December 11, 2024, the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) officially announced

On Human Rights Day: Human Rights in Saudi Arabia Remain Out of Reach

Today, the world celebrates Human Rights Day 2024 under the theme: “Our Rights, Our Future, Now.

Joint statement: Saudi Arabia abuses administrative and judicial measures against released Human Rights Defenders

We, the undersigned organisations, call on the Saudi authorities to immediately cease misusing administrative and judicial

CEDAW discussions: Saudi Arabia is unable to Fulfill Its Commitments on The Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights, in collaboration with the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and the

Amidst Violations, Manipulation, and Whitewashing, Saudi Arabia Is Running for Membership in The Human Rights Council 

Saudi Arabia is running for membership in the United Nations Human Rights Council, with elections scheduled for October 2024.

UN Report: Saudi Arabia's Repressive Campaign Widely Affects Women

UN Special Rapporteurs expressed their concern over the ongoing administrative harassment represented

While activists are detained within the country and their activities are banned: Saudi Arabia boasts of extensive women's rights reforms

Saudi Arabia reiterated its claims regarding reforms and changes in handling women's rights issues