As Some Are Threatened with Death: Saudi Arabia Condemns the Insult to Religious Symbols

Saudi Arabia stated that insulting religious symbols and Islamophobia are contemporary forms of racism that require the concerted efforts of the international community to eradicate.

In a speech during the discussion of the Special Rapporteur on racism's report on artificial intelligence and racism, presented during the 56th session of the Human Rights Council, Saudi delegate Shatha Al-Ahmadi expressed her country's concern over the increasing instances of Islamophobia.

The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights indicates that the concern expressed by the Saudi delegation before the council comes while religious scholars, Islamic researchers, and political and religious figures are imprisoned for expressing views that do not align with official positions, which is considered discrimination and racism against them. Among them are researcher Hassan Farhan al-Maliki and Sheikh Salman al-Awdah, both of whom face the death penalty for these charges, and Sheikh Hassan al-Khuwailidi, who was arrested for his sermons and religious opinions.

Additionally, the Saudi intervention expressed hope that the Special Rapporteur, in the conclusion of her report, would pay greater attention to the intimidation of those who call for an end to Israeli occupation crimes against the Palestinian people. This call comes amid reports of arrests, intimidation, and the prevention of any public activity expressing solidarity with the people of Gaza, where numerous cases of repression have been documented due to expressing opinions on this issue.