The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has reiterated its attack on the Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Killings, Agnès Callamard, against the backdrop of her investigation into the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Within the context of the right to respond during the Interactive Dialogue at the 44th session of the Human Rights Council on 10 July 2020, the Saudi representative, Mishaal al-Balawi, stated that his country was responding to fallacies and contradictions. He noted that it was not surprised by the positions of certain states that practice discrimination with regard to human rights, such as the Netherlands, but was surprised at the position of the Special Rapporteur, whom he described as biased against Saudi Arabia.
Al-Balawi declared that Callamard did not adhere to the professional standards required for special rapporteurs, noting that, from day one of Khashoggi’s killing, she accused Saudi Arabia without evidence and without adhering to the code of conduct. Furthermore, he said that she has long attacked Saudi Arabia.
His statement noted that Saudi Arabia carried out the investigation, detained several suspects in the killing, and held trials attended by international delegates. Al-Balawi also denied that this case had been derailed from the course of justice for political purposes.
ESOHR emphasizes that the Saudi government deliberately attacks all parties that criticize its human rights. This demonstrates the reality of dealing with UN agencies, especially the HRC, apart from official allegations.
ESOHR believes that Saudi Arabia’s continued rejection of Callamard’s investigation and her demand for additional investigations into official involvementin the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, including Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, confirms the need for states to act as the Special Rapporteur has previously requested. ESOHR has several concerns about the course of justice in Saudi Arabia raised by al-Balawi’sstatement before the HRC. These concerns suggest systematic domestic practices carried out by the government, especially with regard to adherence to the code of conduct, such that the Saudi judiciary deliberately attacks individuals and brands them as criminals as soon as they are arrested.
Given Saudi Arabia’s lack of an independent and fair judiciary, ESOHR stresses the importance of pursuing the needed measures to complete the course of the investigation and bring about legal accountabilityfor the killing of Jamal Khashoggi.