The Netherlands’ representative to the UN Human Rights Council, Ms. Nathalie Olijslager, inquired about the status of recommendations made by the Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary, or Arbitrary Executions in the case of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
During the discussion of the Special Rapporteur’s report at the 44th session of the HRC (8 July 2020), the Netherlands asked about how states should help the Special Rapporteur ensure the application of the law.
The Netherlands emphasized that executions continue to target human rights advocates and journalists throughout the world, declaring that they must be allowed to function without fear for their lives.
The statement also called on all parties active in the war on Yemen to halt extrajudicial killings, respect human rights, and end the policy of impunity.
In her final report after the investigation into the killing of Khashoggi, Special Rapporteur Agnès Callamard had called for the opening of a criminal investigation. Furthermore, she had stated that the sanctionsrelating to Khashoggi’s death must include “the Crown Prince and his personal assets abroad” and had called on the Saudi government to publicly apologize to Khashoggi’s family and pay compensation to the family.